
Struggling to recover from your last knock-down-drag-out?

Oh, No… Not again! Susan and Bill just finished having another major argument. Following their usual pattern, they each went to their own “side” of the house to be away from their partner. They both needed time to cool down before interacting. Once they settled down, they started interacting again, but subsequent conversations occurred only

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Surviving Infidelity

Fool me twice, shame on me! That’s what Sinead shouted as she stormed out the door of her home. Mark had finally admitted it: he’d been sleeping with a woman he’d met through work, a customer he’d known for years. “That’s it,” she snarled as she climbed into the car. “Once is all you get:

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The Broken Trust

Later Alan admitted it began with small things. He’d meet a woman and remember what it was like to try to pick her up, back before he was married. When he thought about it, it felt like then he’d been free, and young. Now…now he felt older, and tied down. Then one day he met

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