
Why Communication Shouldn’t Stop in the Bedroom

Many couples struggle with engaging in healthy communication practices. Unhealthy communication can lead to conflict over finances, division of labor for household tasks, extended family problems, and several other issues. Even those proficient with talking about those topics will typically not be confident talking about intimacy issues in the bedroom. Those who do talk about […]

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How This One Simple Tip Can Turn a Destructive Fight Into a Productive Dialogue

Conflict in relationships is inevitable. However, some couples mistakenly conclude that a lack of arguments is a sign of a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, avoiding conflict is a temporary strategy that ultimately only causes more problems.  Some sidestep conflict because they have zero confidence that having a disagreement won’t lead to things getting worse.  The truth

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Why Our Early Experiences Drastically Affect Our Adult Relationships

There’s a good reason why therapists inquire about your childhood in therapy. Our early lives affect our later experiences. In attachment theory, John Bowlby proposes that early caregivers’ interactions with us have a significant impact on our development. This is especially important for our social and emotional development. Bowlby identified how people attached to one

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Young Adults All Over the World are Looking For This One Trait in a Partner

There are many qualities in a partner that people look for:  attractiveness, sense of humor, personality, and mutual compatibility. Yet, are there specific qualities that can “make or break” attracting a partner? A recent study produced some unexpected results, finding that the number one quality that young adults were looking for in a partner is

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Why Putting Your Needs Aside in a Relationship Could Be Harmful to Your Health

In the long run, relationships in which partners don’t express themselves and put their own interests aside will likely fail. For some, the potential fallout of not appropriately meeting one’s own needs can lead to arguments and built up resentment towards their partner. A new study supports the body of already existing research involving the

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Living Apart Together (LAT): Why Living Apart is a New Trend for This Age Group

Dating couples, of course, start off living apart from one another. If the relationship progresses, they may decide to move in together, which is an obvious next step. However, there is a new trend: couples in established and committed relationships are now living separately from one another. This is called living apart together, or LAT.

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