Lessons from Happily Married Couples

There are many factors involved in having a lasting, happy marriage. Sharing similar values about money, raising children, and life priorities are important for a lifelong commitment, and that commitment forms the foundation and structure of a relationship. Couples in lasting relationships need to be excellent communicators and listeners and show gratitude and appreciation for

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Asking for Help

If you are in need of assistance because of an illness, most friends and family members will sincerely offer to help. Many times these offers never result in actual assistance, however, due to a lack of communication. It can leave you feeling like your loved ones don’t really care, but that’s not the case. When

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Clues to a Healthy Relationship

Healthy relationships need to be beneficial and satisfactory for both partners. There should not be a superior and inferior person in the relationship. A healthy relationship requires that each person make the choice to pay attention to one another and make each other happy. Truly being in tune with one another, encouraging each other, and

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Husbands With Double Personas

Many women complain that their husbands have two personalities: one they exhibit around their friends, and one reserved for their wives. Often the persona portrayed with friends can be rude, arrogant, and macho. It’s easy to wonder which personality is real. Both attitudes, however, are probably the real man. The annoying and disturbing behavior he

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Rethinking Romance

If you think the romance in your relationship is dead, it may be time to rethink what romance really means to you. Romance is defined by your expectations. Write down what you want and need romantically from your spouse. Does romance have to be a special event, or can it be incorporated into everyday moments?

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Relationship Poisons

We all want to have happy and peaceful relationships and marriages. There are some habits and actions, essentially poisonous to the health of our relationships, that we need to recognize and avoid. Constant complaining, criticism, and contradictions create stress, negativity, and frustration. Being controlling takes all power and respect away from a loved one, and

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